Reverse Channel & Halo-Lit Letters

Also known as halo-lit or back-lit, Reverse Channel letters are an extremely popular form of Channel Letters due to the unique lighting “wash” behind the letters once illuminated. The 3-dimensional, detail orientated fabrication of the letters makes reverse-channel a great option for both interior and exterior applications.

General Specifications


Reverse Channel Letters are illuminated by LEDs contained within the letter:

  • We use only LED suppliers that are tested, and proven in our harsh Canadian weather.
  • Illumination colour availability varies depending on supplier; white is the most common, and most visible.


Unlike some other suppliers that face the LED modules towards the wall, resulting in pin-points of illumination (see photo above), we face our LEDs into the body of the letter, which forces the illumination to bounce off the interior of the letter and out, resulting in an even glow.

  • The interiors of our Reverse Channel letters are painted white to allow for greater reflection of light.


  • Typically 1.5-3″ deep (depending on height of letter).
  • Manufactured out of a variety of materials, including brushed or painted aluminum, stainless steel or other high-quality metal finishes.



Unlike Face-Lit letters, which have to be constructed of translucent material to allow the illumination to pass through, reverse channel letters can be constructed of a variety of materials and finishes including:

  • Brushed Metals (aluminum, bronze, gold, ext.)
  • Stainless Steel.
  • Painted Aluminum.

Reverse Channel Installation

Our experienced installers will install your signage display efficiently and safely, in accordance with our industry leading safety program and COR workplace safety. Reverse channel letters can be installed in the following methods:


To achieve the illuminated “glow”, letters have to be stooled (pinned) of the wall or mounting surface at an average distance of 0.5″:

  • Letters are drilled into the wall, with the power leads pushed through each individual letter.
  • Power-packs are located behind the letters inside the building or behind the wall.


A raceway is a rectangular mounting structure that serves as an enclosure for the channel letter electrical components such as powerpacks and transformers. Our raceways are manufactured to hinge open, reducing service costs in the future.

  • Letters still need to be pinned off the raceway at least 0.5″.

Applications | Markets

Halo-Lit letters are ideal for any organizations seeking a professional and prestigious look.

  • Commonly used for medical and dental offices, boutiques, spas or other
  • Side and Distance visibility is less than that of a Face Lit Channel Letter.